Kerrie's Story
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*Girls Only* Posted May.16 I’ve never had sex. When I was like 11, I decided I would wait until my wedding night. My friend Courtney said the same thing. I guess most girls decide this when they’re around 11. Some people think of Courtney as almost too blonde to function, and she tends to suck at keeping secrets, but she’s a really good person inside. So it surprised me recently when she said she missed her So anyway, she said she hooked up with Adam Hunter, and they didn’t use any protection. That was dumb, but the other dumb thing was she did it ‘cuz he was going with Autumn Winters. (She’s the one on the squad I used to call the ‘b’ word, ‘cept I’m trying to do the right thing now and not say that about people, even if it’s true.) So anyway, Courtney did it with Adam ‘cuz she liked him, and she couldn’t stand him being with Autumn, who’s a total – never mind. What I couldn’t understand was why Courtney I know it’s not that simple. She kinda liked Adam. But what I don’t get is how kids can hook up for no reason. I mean teen world demands everyone be in a relationship, but no one knows what makes a healthy relationship. These relationships usually last like two weeks. I know you’re thinking “What do you know about anything? You’ve never done it. You’ve never even had a real boyfriend.” But I’ve had chances. I’m a cheerleader, for crying out loud. I understand this. When I was having a hard time, at one point I decided I liked this senior. And I know I woulda given him my virginity if he asked ‘cuz I was on drugs and feeling guilty and worthless. I was weak and not thinking straight, and so I never thought about When I recommitted my life to God, I renewed my commitment to staying a virgin till my wedding day. But I believe in secondary virginity too ‘cuz I know God doesn’t reject people who make mistakes. (That’s good ‘cuz I’ve made a lot of mistakes.) Courtney renewed her commitment too. I think she realizes she doesn’t need to give in to be loved and find a nice guy and have self-worth. Two weeks ago I went to Prom with Scott Emmons (!!!) and maybe we’ll be going together somewhat. He’s cute, and more important, he’s a really awesome guy. What I mean is, he’s really respectful, and he’s made the same kind of commitment as me. Courtney learned her lesson, I think. She went to Prom with Tim Atkins, Scott’s best friend from my youth group. In fact us four went together. I want to go to college and serve God, and when the time is right meet someone like Scott and get married and have sex. But right now I’m still in high school. I’m just not ready for any of that. Courtney and I talked, and we both agreed. So that’s all I know about sex and relationships.